Staying at University for Christmas

Anna·23 December 2022·4 min read
Staying at University for Christmas

Regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas, staying at university over the winter holiday may seem like a lonely prospect. However, staying on campus for the break also has its fair share of benefits.

The Christmas break is a time of year where one can enjoy an empty, peaceful campus. You will no longer have to queue for a shower in a crowded house or wait until your flatmate is done making their dinner before you can make yours. Similarly, many of the university facilities won’t be as busy. Buy a day pass and visit the university gym or go to your favourite library and not struggle to find a seat. Utilise the facilities your university has to offer.

If the prospect of less people around isn’t appealing, remember that you won’t be the only one on campus. Plenty of students opt to stay on campus instead of returning home. Because of expenses or distance, many international students stay in their university cities. Other students choose to stay behind to focus on their studies. Many universities acknowledge that it isn’t possible for everyone to spend the Christmas break with their families back home and plan events for students to attend. Make sure to look at your university student union as well as their global lounge. Even if an event is marketed for international students, everyone is welcome! This can be a great time to meet new people and make more friends.

Beyond university planned events, cities and towns often host their own holiday festivities. Take time to join in on the festivities and explore areas of the city you haven’t previously had the time to visit. If you’d like a change of scenery, you can always find some inexpensive train or bus tickets to a nearby city and explore what they have to offer.

Attending events and keeping busy is a great way to pass the time and keep the days busy. Maintaining a daily structure and keeping active will help to maintain a positive mood and make for a more enjoyable winter break. It can be tempting to spend time lazing around, spending hours watching Netflix and scrolling through Tik Tok. While that may feel nice for a couple days, over time it leaves us feeling stagnant and down. You can catch up on the shows you’ve been wanting to watch, but make sure it’s not the only thing you do every day.

Have a plan or task for each day. This can be something simple like doing your laundry or going to the gym. Having something to do every day will help contribute to a feeling of accomplishment and will prevent the sluggish feeling that results from hours of Netflix.

Ultimately, winter break is meant to be a time to step back from university work and enjoy yourself. Whether you’re at your family home or at your student house, spend time doing things you love and enjoying your break. You deserve it!